Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Sidharta Auctioneer bantu lelang barang mode untuk amal di JFW 2011

From the Jakarta Fashion Week press release:

JFW 2010/11: Kolaborasi Gaya dan Kepedulian Sesama

Jakarta, 13 November 2010. Jakarta Fashion Week (JFW) 2010/11 mencapai puncaknya pada Jumat, 12 November kemarin. Pagelaran fashion akbar tahunan ini ditutup oleh Dewi Fashion Knights: "Style Spectrum" yang menampilkan karya 5 desainer pilihan yang dianggap mewakili semangat kekinian dan memiliki visi yang turut membentuk masa depan mode Indonesia, yakni Ali Charisma, Tex Saverio, Priyo Oktaviano, Stella Rissa dan Kiata Kwanda.

Sebagai acara fashion terbesar di Indonesia, JFW 2010/11 telah sukses mendatangkan 25.000 pengunjung yang terdiri dari para penikmat maupun pelaku industri fashion, termasuk 43 buyer, baik dari dalam negeri maupun luar negeri. “Kami dari Femina Group sangat senang melihat antusiasme dan tanggapan yang begitu postif dari masyarakat. Terbukti, mode juga memiliki potensi besar sebagai komoditas yang dapat menyokong ekonomi negara. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan peranan para desainer untuk membentuk komunitas mode dan industri kreatif yang inspiratif dan kolektif,” jelas Baslir Djamal, Ketua Pelaksana JFW 2010/11 dalam pidatop singkatnya di awal acara.

Pada acara Dewi Fashion Knight, dilakukan juga aksi lelang amal busana rancangan 3 desainer papan atas Indonesia, yang hasilnya akan disumbangkan untuk gerakan Fashion Peduli Dana Anak Korban Bencana. Aksi tersebut menuai sambutan positif dari para fashionista yang hadir. Terbukti, rancangan Lenny Agustin berhasil dilelang seharga Rp 5.000.000,-; karya Carmanita seharga Rp 27.000.000,-; dan karya Andreas Odang seharga Rp 7.000.000,-. Perlu dicatat, hingga tanggal 12 November 2010, aksi Pita Fashion Peduli yang digelar selama JFW 2010/11 berlangsung telah berhasil menghimpun dana sebesar Rp 838.900.000,-.
Sejalan dengan temanya, yakni Styling Modernity, JFW 10/11 diharapkan telah menjadi wadah dialog kreativitas dan bisnis dari pelaku fashion Indonesia dan juga mancanegara.

JFW 2010/11: Collaboration of Styles and Caring For Others

Jakarta, 13 November 2010. Jakarta Fashion Week (JFW) 2010/11 reached its peak yesterday, Friday, November 12th. The annual grand fashion show event was concluded with Dewi Fashion Knights: "Style Spectrum" featuring the work of select five designers  who are considered to be representive of the contemporary spirit and has visions that help shape the future of Indonesian fashion, namely Ali Charisma, Tex Saverio, Priyo Oktaviano, Stella Rissa and Kiata Kwanda.

As the largest fashion event in Indonesia, JFW 2010/11 has been successful in bringing 25,000 visitors comprising of the consumers and the actors of the fashion industry, including 43 buyers, both  domestic and international. "Femina Group is very pleased to see such enthusiasm and positive response from the community. Evidently, fashion also has great potential as a commodity that can support the country's economy. Therefore, it is necessary for designers to form an inspiring and collective community of fashion and creative industries," Baslir Djamal, Executive Director of the JFW 2010/11, said in his brief speech at the beginning of the show.

At the Dewi Fashion Knight event, a charity auction was held, featuring three fashion designs of Indonesia's top designers. The result was to be donated to the  Fashion Cares for Disaster Victims' Children Fund. The auction got a positive response from the fashionista who attended the show. The design of Lenny Agustin was bid and sold for Rp 5,000,000, the work of Carmanita got bids and was finally sold for Rp. 27.000.000, and work of Andrew Odang was auctioned for Rp 7,000,000. It should be noted, until November 12, 2010, Fashion Cares  Ribbon action that was held during JFW 2010/11   managed to collect funds amounting to Rp 838.9 million.
In line with the theme, namely Styling Modernity, JFW 10/11 is expected to have become a place of dialogue and creativity of the actors fashion business of Indonesia and abroad.

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